Over the past few months we have provided regular updates on the seasonal progress of the European Elderberry. We are excited to share that the harvest of berries has begun and the fruit is looking good! (picture below taken last week of the fruit heavy on the tree, ready to be picked).
Product: Elderberry (sambucus nigra), Haschberg variety
The trees receiving the most daily sunlight ripen earliest and are picked first. All harvesting is done by hand as the berries are delicate when ripe.
Expected Yield
Unlike blueberry and strawberry which has seen a decreased yield in comparison to previous years, elderberry tonnage is on par with 2019 with approximately 13-15,000 tonne of cultivated berries and 4,000 tonne of wild picked. (image of organic elderberry growing in the mountains of Italy, close to the Austrian border).
Product Quality
Yesterday we evaluated the new samples of elderberry powders and extracts. The quality is outstanding.
The whole dried and milled elderberry powder (picture on the right) is dark purple, with typical taste of elderberry; astringent with gentle acidity and sweetness.
The whole powder can be sold as a superfood powder or applied in powder blends, health foods, cereal bars etc providing a desirable amount of natural colour from the high anthocyanin content.
We expect to receive pricing from the manufacturers early next week that reflects the harvest volume and quality. Normally, we would have pricing prior to the harvest however, unprecedented demand for the fruit exceeds current supply and so growers are holding back prices. It is important that you clarify your volume needs as soon as possible to secure stock.
Contact us to be first to receive the latest pricing at samples k.wilson@greenbluehealth.com